Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011


I learned a lot this year
Not only the good,  also the bad
Lesson on how to be a good team,
Leaving an old habit, getting a worst one
The importance of friendship,
Dealing with unpleasant truth,
Those might be
Lesson that aren’t taught in class
Knowledge that aren’t written in books
This was really an awesome year!
I just can’t explain how grateful I am…
A new day will always come
I believe
When something ends, something else begins.
That's the law of universe.
Although some doors will be closed,
A window will be opened

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

I think it is...

Is it possible for a thief stop stealing?
Is it possible for a murderer stop killing?
Is it possible for a liar to tell the truth?
I think it is….
but you will still call him a thief
you will still can’t forget that he is a murderer
and you will always see him as a liar
Is it possible someone bad doing something good?
I think it is

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

I know you don't want to know
I don’t care if you don’t care
Why should I cry when I’m sad?
Why should I smile when I’m happy?
May I smile when I’m sad?
Why should I be honest when I can lie?

Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

Menyayangi bukan karna kesempurnaan,
Tapi karna didasari kasih sayang
Memberi bukan karena keharusan ,
Tapi karna kepedulian
Berkorban tanpa pernah utarakan keluhan,
Sedih tapi tak mau menunjukkan,
Marah tapi untuk kebaikan,
Itu Ibuku!
Yang tak tergantikan dan tak mungkin kulupakan

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

God didn't give me a  princess since I'm not a prince
And also not a queen coz I'm not a king
He may give me something I don't like
or even someone I will hate
Just because God knows me better
And know who will complete me after
I may need to feel the pain
Though a lot I will gain
A true love that will forever remain

that's all I'd need.

If I had someone I liked with me,
that would be enough.

Someone I loved,
and didn't want anyone else to have.

Just that person being around
makes you stronger.

You can handle stress and hard work,
you can laugh together...
...and be happier.
I think that's all I'd need.

(taken from Paradise Kiss)


Selasa, 06 Desember 2011


Cinta itu ternyata bisa salah!
Cinta itu bisa timbulkan masalah, dan aku tau kalian tau itu

Cinta itu mungkin indah,

tapi jatuh cinta kadang buat kita lemah

Cinta itu harusnya buat kita bahagia
Bukan lalu rasakan sedih merana